New Mission, New Vision
SOU passed a significant hurdle this past spring when the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) approved SOU’s new mission. The commission’s unanimous approval followed a year-long strategic planning effort aimed at charting a course for the university’s future. Commission members described that process as “exemplary” and “energizing.”
Mission: Southern Oregon University is a regionally-engaged learning community committed to being the educational provider of choice for learners throughout their lives.
Vision: Southern Oregon University will become an inclusive, sustainable university for the future that guides all learners to develop the knowledge, capacities, and audacity to innovate boldly and create lives of purpose.
Alumni can play an important role in the university’s ability to achieve its new vision. Stay tuned as the Alumni Association works to identify the myriad of ways to connect alums with the university for the future. The SOU Strategic Plan presents multiple opportunities for you to become engaged in shaping the university for future students.
Membership in the SOUAA is Easy and Now it’s FREE
Beginning this fall, membership in the SOU Alumni Association will be FREE for all alumni who sign up, including those who proudly attended SOC and SOSC. It doesn’t matter when you graduated, we encourage you to get involved in what the university and alumni association are doing to provide the best educational experience for students.
The Association’s Board of Directors remains hopeful that by eliminating dues, over time, we will attract greater alumni participation and engagement with the university we all love and the valuable role it has played in our lives.
Why register? It’s Good For YOU: FREE registration provides access to exclusive benefits, such as regional and national discounts on everything from rental cars to theater tickets. Members also gain access to SOU’s award-winning library.
Discover more great benefits…
Need another reason? It’s Good For SOU: By updating your contact information and alumni profile, you supply us with the information we need to paint a compelling picture to recruit future students and top-notch faculty members. YOU are our success story. YOU are what we brag about. So, please, take just a minute and sign up now and keep SOU strong! Join the SOUAA today.
Renovated Theater and JPR Studios Set Grand Opening
The university will celebrate the grand opening of the renovated Theater Building and new studios of Jefferson Public Radio (JPR) during Nov. 9-10, 2018. Alums are invited to an open house, building dedication ceremony, tours, and NPR/JPR guest speakers. The dedication ceremony takes place on Saturday, Nov. 10, at noon. No RSVP is required.
Theater performances of “Small Mouth Sounds” and “Into the Woods” will occur during the weekend as well. Call the Box Office for special alumni-priced tickets, 541.552.6348.
Outstanding Alumni Recognized at Commencement
Several Southern Oregon University alumni were honored at the 2018 commencement ceremony for their accomplishments since graduating from the university. READ MORE
Homecoming set for October 12-13, 2018
Get your red and black together, and return to campus. The 2018 Homecoming schedule is filled with activities throughout the weekend. Featured events include the President’s 5K walk/run, Homecoming parade, parent/alumni happy hour, and football game.
Alums who want to tailgate before the game should make space reservations through Mike Beagle at 541.552.6874 or Tickets to the game are available at the gate or via Raider Athletics.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
3:30pm Meet at Lithia Park Bandshell
4:00-5:00pm Parade- Ends at Raider Stadium- All alumni invited to participate
Friday, October 12, 2018
2:30-4:00pm President’s 5K: Raider Stadium
4:00-7:00pm After the 5K: Faculty, alumni and parents: Beer and wine for sale with free tapas on south side of stadium.
4:00/6:30pm – Women’s and Men’s Soccer Matches vs. Northwest University
3:00pm-7:00pm Student Recreation Center(SRC) Tours
4:00pm-7:00pm SRC Rock Climbing Demos – No open climb, climbing center opened only for demos
Saturday, October 13, 2018
9:00am-11:45am Tailgating north side of stadium scoreboard
12:00pm Football vs EOU
5:00/7:30pm Soccer vs Evergreen State